Sunday 4 November 2012

Diet for Lowering High Blood Pressure

lowering high blood pressureHigh blood pressure is a chronic ailment that affects a large number of people. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the heart to the blood so that it can be pumped in all the parts and organs of the body. This pressure is felt on the walls of the blood vessels especially the arteries carrying the oxygenated blood. High blood pressure syndrome also termed as hyper tension can be defined as the abnormally high level of pressure exerted by the heart to pump blood to different parts of the body. The walls of the blood vessels experience more pressure as blood flows more forcefully in the arteries of a patient suffering from high blood pressure. Medical treatment generally includes administration of certain drugs that reduces the pressure on the heart and relaxes the blood vessels. But once you are diagnosed with high blood pressure you will have to follow medication throughout your life as there is no medical cure of the syndrome. But by making changes in your lifestyle you can avoid lifelong medication and treat the disease by adopting natural means. The food that you consume can help you in treating high blood pressure. Statistically high blood pressure is more common among people who are overweight and don’t follow a proper healthy diet. Hence by making positive reinforcement in the way one consumes food high blood pressure can be treated. Below mentioned are some important tips following which you can control your blood pressure naturally through diet.

More article on this topis: Reduce High Blood Pressure

Controlling Blood Pressure through Diet
  • Follow a diet program: Consult a proper doctor or a dietician who will recommend you a proper diet program that will help you on in lowering your blood pressure. Hence you must make sure that you consult an expert who will first diagnose your physical condition and then recommend a proper diet plan which will effectively normalize your blood pressure.
  • Monitor what you are consuming: Maintain a diary or journal and write down the food that you consume every time. This will help you in monitoring your diet on a daily basis and will assist you in evaluating the effect of the diet plan on your physical health and blood pressure.
  • Buy food smartly: While buying food make sure that you buy your food items as per your diet. Many of us tend to buy unhealthy food when we are on our own and therefore taking a friend or relative gives better assistance in buying the right food appropriate for the health.
  • Concentrate in vegetables: Vegetables are rich in nutrients and low on fat and carbohydrates. By consuming vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, spinach leaves, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. you will replenish yourself with the important vital nutrients and minerals while keeping yourself protected from the excess fat and calories present in animal food products.
Concentrate in vegetablesConcentrate in vegetablesConcentrate in vegetablesConcentrate in vegetables
  •  Say yes to fruits: Fruits like oranges, kiwifruit, strawberries, grapes, peaches, watermelon, etc. are rich in important nutrients and natural acids that is essential for good health and helps in improving your blood pressure levels. Hence make sure that you consume ample amount food every day.
  • Eat whole grains rich in fiber: Whole grains are rich in fiber which is important for the proper digestion of food. An improved digestive system helps in the improvement of other systems like the excretory and circulatory systems. Therefore eat whole grains that are rich in fiber which is important for improving your digestion.
  • Say no to fats and oils: On an average more patients who complain about high blood pressure suffers from obesity and overweight issues. Obesity is one of the primary seasons because of which more and more people are becoming susceptible to high blood pressure. Hence if you have high blood pressure you must cut down on the fat intake and avoid oil fried food items.
  • Avoid sodium intake: Salt that contains sodium in high amounts must be strictly avoided as it triggers high blood pressure.
  • Drink plenty of water: Drink plenty of water as it helps in the digestion of food items and also helps in the removal of toxins, especially sodium through urine and sweat.
By adopting the above instructions and making the recommended changes in your daily diet you can control and treat high blood pressure and live a healthy life.

Read More information from :  Diet for Lowering High Blood Pressure

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