Thursday 20 December 2012

Why One Suffers From Low Blood Pressure?

You might have often wondered why one suffers from the rare syndrome of low blood pressure. Before enlightening yourself with the knowledge behind the causes of low blood pressure syndrome you must first gain a proper insight of the disease itself. Low blood pressure which is medically categorized as hypotension is a type of disease in which the blood pressure that is required to pump the blood effectively to all the parts of the body goes down way too far such that it becomes difficult for the heart to circulate blood efficiently to the brain, which can ultimately lead to several mild and even severe complications. Some of the risks associated with low blood pressure are fainting and dizziness which occurs because of the low transfusion of blood in the arteries of the brain. Low blood pressure can lead to severe complications such as organ failure, cerebral damage, coronary failure, etc. Hence it must be treated efficiently upon experiencing the initial symptoms. Below mentioned are the causes of low blood pressure that you must know for the better understanding of the disease.
  • Low volume of blood: Low blood pressure may occur because of the low volume or quantity of blood in the body. The volume of blood may decrease because of various reasons like lack in proper nutrition, loss of blood through bleeding, pregnancy, etc.
  • Widening of the blood vessels: When the blood vessels especially the arteries becomes wider than normal, it can result in the dropping of blood pressure.
  • Hormonal imbalance: Certain hormones have the ability to reduce pressure exerted by the heart to pump blood throughout the body. When such hormones are produced in excess it can lead to low blood pressure. Hormonal imbalance caused during pregnancy, or stress, tension, etc. can cause low blood pressure.
  • Dehydration: Dehydration means the lack of the quantity of water in the body. When your body is deprived of water for longer periods of time it experiences dehydration and the situation can lead to low blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy can lower the quantity of blood in the mother’s body as most of the blood is used in the development of the fetus. Under such circumstances body usually experience low blood pressure.
  • Low sodium intake: Low sodium and potassium intake can cause steady drop in blood pressure which can in turn cause severe complications and can even be life threatening if not treated immediately.
  • Poor diet: Poor diet can affect the production of blood and hence quantity of blood is reduced resulting in low blood pressure.
The above causes can trigger low blood pressure and by taking necessary precautions and preliminary actions you can avoid suffering from the syndrome and save yourself from the complications that comes along with it. 

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