Friday 30 November 2012

High Blood Pressure Could Cause Your Brain to Age Faster 

Most of us don’t worry about dementia and cognitive health until later in life. New research from the University of California Davis, however, could change our minds.

Researchers found that young people approaching middle age with high blood pressure—even mild levels for which doctors don’t intervene—experience accelerated brain aging. This could be because high blood pressure makes arteries stiffer over time, raising the risk of cardiovascular disease by 49% and cerebrovascular disease—like ischemic stroke—by 62%. It is, according to Medical News Today, “the single greatest risk factor for premature death in the US, where it affects some 50 million people.”
Senior author Charles DeCarli says in The Lancet that this manner of vascular brain injury, which has been linked to cognitive difficulties like dementia later in life, “develops insidiously over the lifetime with discernible effects.”

High Blood Pressure Ages Brain
In a multi-generational study, DeCarli and his colleagues took data from 579 people across three generations. The most recent participants were largely in their late 30s when they had their blood pressure and then divided into three groups based on their readings: normal, prehypertensive, and high blood pressure. After taking smoking habits, medication, and other variables into consideration, researchers gave participants magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans to measure extent of brain injuries, if any.
Participants with higher blood pressure showed inferior brain health to those with normal blood pressure. Those with high blood pressure also showed, on average, 9 percent less gray matter in the frontal and temporal lobes than their counterparts in the normal blood pressure group. For instance, a 33-year-old with high blood pressure had a brain aged equally to a 40-year-old’s with normal blood pressure.
 “Vascular brain injury may develop insidiously over several decades,” says lead author Pauline Maillard, who also warns that white matter damage can be detected even in our younger years. She calls for “early and optimum control of blood pressure, which is neither routinely achieved nor subject to testing in randomized controlled clinical trials.”

Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally
High blood pressure and stiffened arteries affects blood flow to both the outer gray matter and inner white matter of the brain, which are both key players in the central nervous system.  In addition to a poor diet and exercise regimen, lack of sleep can also raise blood pressure, so play with your schedule to allow for adequate amounts of rest.
If you want to lower blood pressure naturally, you’re in luck; there are many home remedies for high blood pressure that can be found in your own kitchen (or at least at the grocery store).
  • Vitamin D improves vascular health and helps naturally lower blood pressure. Just step outside for 15 to 30 minutes without sunscreen to get a good dose of natural—and free!—vitamin D.
  • One papaya contains 781 mg of potassium, a mineral and electrolyte that helps control blood pressure. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends we each get 4,700 mg of potassium a day to regulate our blood pressure.
  • One study found that watermelon extract supplementation reduces ankle and brachial blood pressure, carotid wave reflection, and overall arterial function. Earlier studies, such as one from Florida State University, found that 4 grams of watermelon extract per day reduced systolic blood pressure
  • Coconut water was found to lower the blood pressure of 71% of study participants in one 2005 study.

Boosting Blood Flow, Chocolate Can Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally

We’ve been extolling the health benefits of chocolate for some time. Recently, Cochrane Collaborations published a report that analyzed 20 studies, all finding that blood pressure actually reduced in subjects who ate small to moderate amounts of dark chocolate or cocoa. Who would have thought that just a tasteful delight could reduce blood pressure naturally.

Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally with Dark Chocolate

Lead researcher Karin Ried of the National Institute of Integrative Medicine in Melbourne gave tentative but hopeful remarks. “Although we don’t yet have evidence for any sustained decrease in blood pressure, the small reduction we saw over the short term might complement other treatment options and might contribute to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.”  The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) gave a similar ruling stating the dark chocolate and cocoa powder could boost blood flow. If the European Commission approves of this ruling, chocolate producers could put health claims on their products.
This brings us to our next point: there is, sadly, a dark side to chocolate research. Some studies, like this one that found cocoa flavanol consumption helped cognitive function, insulin resistance in elderly subjects, and can reduce blood pressure naturally was actually funded by Mars Inc. That’s like Philip Morris funding cigarette research. Would you believe it? Just something to take into consideration with that particular piece of research.
Admittedly, not all of these studies have such suspect financial backing, and there’s ample evidence that organic, GMO-free chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa content has more than a handful of benefits. Scientists have observed healthy blood pressure ranges in indigenous people of San Blas Island in Central America, who drink flavanol-rich cocoa daily. As previously discussed, healthy varieties of chocolate:
  • Is high in antioxidants (flavanols)
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Stimulates endorphin production
  • is a mood booster, thanks to its serotonin content
  • contains magnesium, vitamin A, B1, B2, D, and E
The bottom line? Dr. Elizabeth Jackson told Reuters, “To me this says a little bit of dark chocolate isn’t too bad for you, but you wouldn’t want to go overboard with the calories and eat a pound of chocolate.” Moderation—and the type of chocolate—is key.

Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)


About 74 million (1 in 3) American adults (20 and over) have high blood pressure (hypertension). From 1995 to 2005, the death rate from high blood pressure increased 25.2 percent, and the actual number of deaths rose 56.4 percent. It was once thought that high blood pressure was a ” man’s disease”; in fact, woman are as likely to suffer from this condition as men are. Interestingly enough, more women than men die from complications of high blood pressure every year. Considering this fact, it is important that both men and women monitor their blood pressure regularly.

Blood pressure is represented as a pair of numbers. This first is the systolic pressure, which is the pressure exerted by the blood when the heart beats, forcing blood into the blood vessels. The second reading is the diastolic pressure, which is recorded when the heart is at rest between beats, when the blood pressure is at its lowest. Both figures represent the height (in millimeters, or mm) that a column of mercury (Hg) reaches under pressure exerted by the blood. The combined blood pressure reading is then expressed as a ratio of systolic blood pressure to diastolic blood pressure, such as 120/80. Figures above these two numbers is considered elevated blood pressure.
Given the amount of people who suffer from this condition, we felt it is was important to share a few tips to help remedy some of the symptoms, and maybe even eradicate the cause.
Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure
- Avoid adding salt to your food (even too much high quality full-spectrum salts can have an effect, as they also have sodium). This is essential for lowering blood pressure. Lowering your salt intake may not be enough; for this reason, we suggest that you eliminate all added salt from your diet. Read labels carefully, and avoid products that have salt, soda, sodium, or the symbol Na on the label. Furthermore, it is also necessary to avoid many food additives, including: monosodium glutamate (accent, MSG), also products like baking soda, canned vegetables, commercially prepared foods, over-the-counter medication that contain ibuprofen (such as Advil or Nuprin), diet soft drinks, foods with mold inhibitors, preservatives, sugar substitutes, meat tenderizers, softened water, and soy sauce. We all need sodium, however, too much of it can be detrimental to our health. A proper amount of sodium can be attain by eating a healthy whole foods diet, full of vegetables and fruits.
- Eat a high fibre diet.
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, such as apples, asparagus, bananas, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, eggplant. garlic, grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, melons, peas, prunes, raisins, squash, and sweet potatoes.
- Include plenty of fresh “live” juices in your diet, including, but not limited to, beet, carrot, celery, currant, cranberry, citrus fruit, parsley, spinach, and watermelon.
- Eat grain like quinoa, buckwheat,  brown rice, millet, and oats.
- Drink steam-distilled water or natural spring water only.
- Take 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily.
- Avoid all animal fats. Bacon, beer, bouillons, chicken liver, corned beef, dairy products, gravies, pork, sausage, and smoked or processed meats are prohibited. The only acceptable animal foods are broiled whitefish, and skinless turkey or chicken, and these should be consumed in moderation only. Get protein from vegetable sources, grains and legumes instead.
- Avoid foods such as aged cheeses, aged meats, anchovies, chocolate, fava beans, pickled herring, sherry, sour cream, wine, and yogurt.
- Avoid all alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco.
- If you are taking a MAO inhibitor (one of a class of drugs prescribed to counter depression, lower blood pressure, and treat infections and cancer), avoid the chemical tyramine and its precursor, tyrosine. Combining MAO inhibitors with tyramine causes the blood pressure to soar and could cause a stroke. Check out this list for tyramine containing foods.
- Keep your weight down. Losing 10 percent of your body weight will reduce blood pressure, and may even allow you to use less medications, if you are currently taking medications – or avoid them altogether, if you are not. Caution: you should not stop taking your medication without consulting a trained practitioner.
- Fast for 3 to 5 days each month. This will help detoxify the body.
- Get regular light to moderate exercise. Take care not to overexert yourself, especially, in hot or humid weather.
- Be sure to get sufficient sleep.
- Have your blood pressure checked every 4 to 6 months.
- Do not take antihistamines except under a physician’s direction.
- Do not take supplements containing the amino acids phenylalanine or tyrosine. Also avoid the artificial sweetener aspartame, which contains phenylalanine.
- Avoid stress as much as possible.

7 Ways for Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally

Recent studies on hypertension have found that 65 percent of adults under 40 who have high blood pressure haven’t been diagnosed, and even adults who have been diagnosed don’t treat it effectively. High blood pressure is hardly a condition to be brushed off so easily. It puts about 68 million adults at risk of stroke, heart disease, premature brain aging, and more. Luckily, there are numerous ways for lowering blood pressure naturally; that’s right, without any questionable pharmaceutical drugs.

Here are 7 ways to naturally lower your blood pressure.

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Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally – 1. Meditate
Blood flow improves when we’re relaxed. This is because blood produces more nitric oxide when the body is in a relaxed state; the nitric oxide helps alleviate the pressure of blood going through more opened blood vessels. To this end, there are a number of things we can do to relax: meditate, do yoga, take a walk in a forest, sit back and close our eyes for ten seconds—it’s different for all of us  The point is to relax and loosen the tension in our bodies from our furrowed brows to our very blood vessels.

2. Exercise
Remember that walk through a forest we talked about? A little exercise throughout the day is great for busy people, but moderate exercise is important to put a real dent in blood pressure. By engaging in strenuous exercise for a few minutes daily, the heart gradually grows stronger and more capable of pumping blood through healthier arteries. Exercise also helps prevent and moderate other conditions like hypertension, excess weight, and chronic stress.

3. Drink Moderately
Moderate drinking—one glass of red wine a day, for instance—has been linked to graceful aging and even reduction of breast cancer risk. The key here may be a matter of moderation as well as healthy attitudes toward drinking, something meant to be enjoyed rather than used. When enjoyed, moderate drinking can help reduce blood pressure, likely due not only to the nutrients found in certain alcohols (like the antioxidant resveratrol in red wine) but also to the relaxation incurred from enjoying a drink in peaceful solitude or good company.

4. Drink Caffeine Moderately
Although caffeinated drinks like green tea and coffee have many health benefits—weight loss, healthy aging, and cancer prevention and reduced risk of diabetes, depression, and atherosclerosis, respectively—we must remember that they are caffeinated. Caffeine is a welcome boost in the morning, but too much of an inflammatory like caffeine can temporarily raise blood pressure and lead to a slew of conditions brought on by chronic inflammation. Try also to avoid drinking caffeine within six hours of sleep, as it may subtly affect your cycle.

5. Drop Bad Habits
Drop bad habits like smoking and hanging around smokers. Even second-hand smoke can affect blood pressure by damaging arteries. Politely ask your friends to smoke outside or gracefully remove yourself from the situation. Here are many, many other harmful effects of smoking you may not know about.

6. Watch Your Weight
Numbers on a scale and even body mass index (BMI) measurements are deceptive, but if you have hypertension, consider if excess weight could be a contributor. Showing how losing the weight can help in lowering blood pressure naturally, an Italian study found that when overweight patients dropped weight, their blood pressure readings did, too.

7. Watch Your Salt Intake
Salt makes almost anything taste better, which is why we load up on it at almost every meal. Too much salt, however, contributes to high blood pressure. The USDA says the average young adult should consume no more than 2,300 mg or 2/5 of a teaspoon of sodium daily (less if you’re diabetic or have chronic kidney disease).

Lowering blood pressure naturally can be achieved; all of these tips wind down to the same basic principles: healthy body and healthy attitudes. To that end, there are innumerous ways to naturally lower your blood pressure. Here are other home remedies for high blood pressure for you to utilize today! Get creative!

Sunday 18 November 2012

Control Blood Pressure with Proper Lifestyle and Healthy Diet

Many of you are deeply terrified when your doctor enlightens you about your high blood pressure. Hypertension is indeed a matter of high concern for those who suffer from it because it comes with major risk factors such as strokes, heart attacks, brain aneurysms, heart failure, kidney ailments, and other types of cardiovascular complications. High blood pressure is also associated with low life expectancy and is responsible for a large number of deaths annually. But most of you are aware of these facts and perhaps that’s why you panic upon knowing that you are suffering from the syndrome. What most of you don’t know is that hypertension can be easily controlled and treated by making certain changes in your diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle. 

When you are diagnosed with high blood pressure you doctor will prescribe certain drugs and medicines that will reduce the pressure exerted by the blood on the blood vessels and relax the pace of the heart beats. Without proper diet and lifestyle patients will probably have to stick with medicinal drugs for the rest of their life. But the side effects of medicinal drugs along with unhealthy eating and poor lifestyle can cause more severe outcomes and can even be life threatening. Hence if you are having high blood pressure you must contribute your time and effort in a better diet program and healthy lifestyle. Here is how you can control blood pressure naturally in an effective and safe manner. 

Dietary items that can bring your blood pressure back to normal involves eating food items rich in various types of nutrients and minerals. Eating different types of green and leafy vegetables, fruits, certain types of fish, etc. helps in normalizing your blood pressure as they are high on fiber, important vitamins, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, anti-aging agents, and low on fat and calories. Food items rich in oils, fats, sugar, etc. must be avoided as it increases cholesterol that creates blockages in the blood vessels and is also responsible for obesity. Patients must also participate in eating more natural food items and avoid man made and industrially produced food as they are rich in preservatives and other types of harmful chemicals. 

Lifestyle also plays an important role in determining your blood pressure and cardiovascular health. Patients with high blood pressure must avoid smoking and drinking or have them in moderate quantity. Patients must participate in regular physical activity such as cardios, aerobics, cycling, jogging, swimming, etc. as they make the heart healthy and puts a check on cardiovascular ailments along with other benefits as well. Meditation and yoga also plays an important role in maintaining general health of the body and mind. Patients must stay away from work related pressure and avoid depression and tension related situations. Ample amount of sleep is important as it relaxes the mind and heart and also recharges the body. Patient must spend more time with family and friends and try to stay happy and live a stress free life. 

Relationship between type 2 diabetes and obesity, high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Type 2 Diabetes also have hypertension. Read information on healthy foods and diet for diabetes


Friday 16 November 2012

What are the indications of High Blood Pressure?

Here you can see What Are the Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Pressure?.High blood pressure (hypertension) does not usually cause any symptoms.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Diet for Lowering High Blood Pressure

lowering high blood pressureHigh blood pressure is a chronic ailment that affects a large number of people. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the heart to the blood so that it can be pumped in all the parts and organs of the body. This pressure is felt on the walls of the blood vessels especially the arteries carrying the oxygenated blood. High blood pressure syndrome also termed as hyper tension can be defined as the abnormally high level of pressure exerted by the heart to pump blood to different parts of the body. The walls of the blood vessels experience more pressure as blood flows more forcefully in the arteries of a patient suffering from high blood pressure. Medical treatment generally includes administration of certain drugs that reduces the pressure on the heart and relaxes the blood vessels. But once you are diagnosed with high blood pressure you will have to follow medication throughout your life as there is no medical cure of the syndrome. But by making changes in your lifestyle you can avoid lifelong medication and treat the disease by adopting natural means. The food that you consume can help you in treating high blood pressure. Statistically high blood pressure is more common among people who are overweight and don’t follow a proper healthy diet. Hence by making positive reinforcement in the way one consumes food high blood pressure can be treated. Below mentioned are some important tips following which you can control your blood pressure naturally through diet.

More article on this topis: Reduce High Blood Pressure

Controlling Blood Pressure through Diet
  • Follow a diet program: Consult a proper doctor or a dietician who will recommend you a proper diet program that will help you on in lowering your blood pressure. Hence you must make sure that you consult an expert who will first diagnose your physical condition and then recommend a proper diet plan which will effectively normalize your blood pressure.
  • Monitor what you are consuming: Maintain a diary or journal and write down the food that you consume every time. This will help you in monitoring your diet on a daily basis and will assist you in evaluating the effect of the diet plan on your physical health and blood pressure.
  • Buy food smartly: While buying food make sure that you buy your food items as per your diet. Many of us tend to buy unhealthy food when we are on our own and therefore taking a friend or relative gives better assistance in buying the right food appropriate for the health.
  • Concentrate in vegetables: Vegetables are rich in nutrients and low on fat and carbohydrates. By consuming vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, spinach leaves, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. you will replenish yourself with the important vital nutrients and minerals while keeping yourself protected from the excess fat and calories present in animal food products.
Concentrate in vegetablesConcentrate in vegetablesConcentrate in vegetablesConcentrate in vegetables
  •  Say yes to fruits: Fruits like oranges, kiwifruit, strawberries, grapes, peaches, watermelon, etc. are rich in important nutrients and natural acids that is essential for good health and helps in improving your blood pressure levels. Hence make sure that you consume ample amount food every day.
  • Eat whole grains rich in fiber: Whole grains are rich in fiber which is important for the proper digestion of food. An improved digestive system helps in the improvement of other systems like the excretory and circulatory systems. Therefore eat whole grains that are rich in fiber which is important for improving your digestion.
  • Say no to fats and oils: On an average more patients who complain about high blood pressure suffers from obesity and overweight issues. Obesity is one of the primary seasons because of which more and more people are becoming susceptible to high blood pressure. Hence if you have high blood pressure you must cut down on the fat intake and avoid oil fried food items.
  • Avoid sodium intake: Salt that contains sodium in high amounts must be strictly avoided as it triggers high blood pressure.
  • Drink plenty of water: Drink plenty of water as it helps in the digestion of food items and also helps in the removal of toxins, especially sodium through urine and sweat.
By adopting the above instructions and making the recommended changes in your daily diet you can control and treat high blood pressure and live a healthy life.

Read More information from :  Diet for Lowering High Blood Pressure